Building Simple Apps

The flatpak utility provides a simple set of commands for building and distributing applications. These allow creating new Flatpaks, into which new or existing applications can be built.

This section describes how to build a simple application which doesn’t require any additional dependencies outside of the runtime it is built against. In order to complete the examples, you should have completed the steps in Getting Setup first.

Creating an app

To create an application, the first step is to use the build-init command. This creates a directory into which an applcation can be built, which contains the correct directory structure and a metadata file which contains information about the app. The format for build-init is:

  • DIRECTORY is the name of the directory that will be created to contain the application
  • APPNAME is the D-Bus name of the application
  • SDK is the name of the SDK that will be used to build the application
  • RUNTIME is the name of the runtime that will be required by the application
  • BRANCH is typically the version of the SDK and runtime that will be used

For example, to build the GNOME Dictionary application using the GNOME 3.22 SDK, the command would look like:

$ flatpak build-init dictionary org.gnome.Dictionary org.gnome.Sdk org.gnome.Platform 3.22

You can try this command now. In the next step we will build an application inside the resulting dictionary directory.


flatpak build is used to build an application using an SDK. This command is used to provide access to a sandbox. For example, the following will create a file inside the appdir sandbox (in the files directory):

$ flatpak build dictionary touch /app/some_file

(It is best to remove this file before continuing.)

The build command allows existing applications that have been made using the traditional configure, make, make install routine to be built inside a flatpak. You can try this using GNOME Dictionary. First, download the source files, extract them and switch to the resulting directory:

$ wget
$ tar xvf gnome-dictionary-3.20.0.tar.xz
$ cd gnome-dictionary-3.20.0/

Then you can use the build command to build and install the source inside the dictionary directory that was previously made:

$ flatpak build ../dictionary ./configure --prefix=/app
$ flatpak build ../dictionary make
$ flatpak build ../dictionary make install
$ cd ..

Since these are run in a sandbox, the compiler and other tools from the SDK are used to build and install, rather than those on the host system.

Completing the build

Once an application has been built, the build-finish command needs to be used to specify access to different parts of the host, such as networking and graphics sockets. This command is also used to specify the command that is used to run the app (done by modifying the metadata file), and to create the application’s exports directory. For example:

$ flatpak build-finish dictionary --socket=x11 --share=network --command=gnome-dictionary

At this point you have successfully built a flatpak and prepared it to be run. To test the app, you need to export the Dictionary to a repository, add that repository and then install and run the app:

$ flatpak build-export repo dictionary
$ flatpak --user remote-add --no-gpg-verify --if-not-exists tutorial-repo repo
$ flatpak --user install tutorial-repo org.gnome.Dictionary
$ flatpak run org.gnome.Dictionary

This exports the app, creates a repository called tutorial-repo, installs the Dictionary application in the per-user installation area and runs it.